Proje Tarihi: 2020
Bitiş Tarihi: Proje Aşamasında
Yatırımcı: SML Seamless
Arsa Alanı: 12.000 m²
İnşaat Alanı: 12.000 m²
Blok Adedi: 7 Adet Konut Bloğu
Farklı Bina Tipi: 4 Tip Rezidans Bloğu
Konut Adedi: 130 Rezidans
+ Mimari Konsept Projesi
EFFEKT is the Danish word for impact.
At EFFEKT we believe that architecture and urbanism is about creating a lasting positive impact on our surroundings and our planet. We therefore measure our projects on their impact - on the EFFEKT.
We aim to create a lasting social, economic and environmental effect with everything that we take upon us and we always consider our projects in a local, regional and global context, creating societal value beyond brief and client.